Thursday, July 29, 2010


Mutant singer Alison Blaire better known as "DAZZER" is a gay man's wet dream. Largely dismissed as a disco gimmick I think most people have a soft spot in their heart for her. I know I-I-I-I-I-I-I will always love her. She's more of a strawberry blonde- but hey that counts. Disco Dazzler is The Blonde of The Day! 'Nuff said!

Monday, July 12, 2010


The buzz around H-wood is that Tyler perry is chomping at the bit to play the TITULAR role in The Kitty Kelly penned biopic about the big O. He was overheard saying "I love's Oprah-- god know I do but I kill her dead before she cock blocks my chance at an Oscar nomination! When I was little I used to put my hair in loop braids and pretend I was the little girl on the package of Charmin Toilet paper. And I read some where Oprah did the same thing when she was a little girl! I was born to play this part!" Not wanting to be too obvious with the title Perry is toying with "Precious 2" and "O-La-la".
No stranger to transexualism Eddie Murphy is in talks to play longtime Winfrey companion Gayle King. "I'll get my Oscar or I will double-dong myself with Mel Gibson's Golden Globes.", Murphy probably didn't say behind closed doors. The 141/2 hour shoot is to begin production in the Phillipines the day after tomorrow.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Total ECLIPSE of the....

I resisted the TWILIGHT Saga as I imagined it would be rife with teen angst and much eye-rolling on my part. Thanks to gentle nudging from my sister and my good friend Anne, I saw Eclipse out of curiosity--not to mention wanting to see what all of the fuss was about. It was dripping with teen angst (as it should be) And there were some parts that gave me pause. But the more it sinks in the more I like it. Robert Pattinson makes one steamy vampire. And poor Taylor-- if he thinks he can have a career with his shirt on he is mistaken. (Not that I'm complaining mind you!) At least it prompted me to make this silly cartoon.